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Entrepreneur Advice and Stories

That's A Great Idea !!
Ever have a great idea? You know that flash of brilliance that shines so bright you are sure everyone can see that bright light bulb...

What Keeps You Awake?
New Year 2020.5 Continued Maybe you have spent years faithfully running your business. You know being an employee is not the right fit...

A Will To Win
No business is successful by chance. It is not a magic wand. It is being prepared & being willing to do the tough stuff

Is Your Business Ready for 2020.5? Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! 2020.5

5 Things Your Business Needs to Succeed
If you a successful business, you have to learn to be a business builder, even during a pandemic

5 Ways to Impact Your Post-CoVid-19 World
Will you blame others for the new normal you land in, or will you be proud of the new normal you created for you?

Balancing Panic and Planning
Monday March 16, 2020 Word of the day FOCUS Balancing Panic and Planning While everything around you may be in flux, you still need...

How to Stay Focused When the World Shows its Crazy
Stocks in free fall. Half the world in quarantine. New illness that we know little about. Oh, and and your mother-in-law is moving in

Your team is your #1 Business Asset The success of your business relies on a successful team. Your team helps take the vision and mission...

Ready to Expand? Where to Start
I am ready to expand, but . . .

3 P's of Successful Sales
Product, Prospect and Persuasion SALES What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word Sales? How about Salesman /...
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