
"What I found to be common across the globe is that as entrepreneurs, we often think the world is on our shoulders and that we have to do it all.”
- Rachael McCrary, CEO and Founder, Jewel Toned[1]
The Success in Supporting Each Other
After years of working with talented entrepreneurs from different backgrounds and a wide range of businesses, I remain surprised at the ‘lone wolf’ nature so many leaders possess. True, by nature most business owners are independent and the ability to act and react on your own is essential in decision making and staying flexible as situations change.
However, having the weight of the whole company on your shoulders is often a lonely and stressful place – especially in this time of COVID isolation. Now add the additional layer of expectation that comes with being a woman entrepreneur. Do you feel the walls closing in?
The Unique Position of Women in Business
Unreal expectations can make us think that we are the ONLY ones who can come up with the right solution. It is difficult to know who to trust with your business, your baby. Who can you share the good and the challenges with and get true support? Yet, there are many times where we are too close to a problem and require an outside perspective. In issues with our own families we would naturally find a friend who was not a family member to share our struggles and get advice. Why should businesses be any different? Just think how valuable the idea-sharing and confidential feedback of a supportive, like-minded team could be!
In an Inc.com article entitled “4 Unique Ways Women Entrepreneurs Are Helping Each Other Succeed,” one woman business owner put it this way, “…women entrepreneurs have such high expectations of themselves in terms of work ethic and proficiency, that it causes them to appreciate that same drive in other women.”[2]
Isn’t it time to find and talk with those women?
What Holds us Back?
Another trait that may hold us back from finding out own support team is pride. The notion that we are supposed to be born gurus at every aspect of business may stem from our school days where we were expected to get an A in every subject from English to Math to Music to Phy Ed. This translates today into our being held to perfection in Finance, Marketing, Development, Public Speaking, HR and much more. It’s ridiculous.
There is a whole laundry list of other roadblocks that may be stopping us from joining others and finding needed support. Fear of success. Fear of failure. Fear of criticism. Not knowing where to go to make the right connections. Not understanding what we have to offer to others like us. Not setting aside time for personal and professional growth.
What now?
I urge everyone who is going it alone to get off the hamster wheel of daily business as usual and find a place where shared experience will help you through the tough times. Creative brains working together can do amazing things. My sincere hope is that all entrepreneurs, male and female, will not undervalue what they have to offer by keeping it locked up in their own office and their own head. Poet and writer Oscar Wilde may have said it best,
“The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on.”
If you are looking for a team of partners where you can bring your experience, respect, and challenges, our Business Breakthrough Team may be just what you are looking for.
Business Breakthrough Teams. This is not a mastermind or a networking group. All participants are interviewed to ensure that Partners on the teams are a good fit. These small and unique teams are focused on taking business leaders to their next step by partnering for connection, conversation, sharing best practices, support, advice, and accountability.
Applications are now open, and more information is available at: https://www.performancepartnerscoaching.com/business-breakthrough-teams
Got more questions? Contact me at Barbara@PerformancePartnersCoaching.com
Learn more on the Performance Partners website https://www.performancepartnerscoaching.com/business-breakthrough-teams
Connecting Business Leaders – Creating Business Breakthroughs
#BusinessBreakthrough #PerformancePartners #breakthroughteams #connectingbusinessleaders #BarbaraZuleger #Lonewolfentrepreneurs #whatholdsusback
[1] “Why Entrepreneurs Need Other Passionate Entrepreneurs in Their Ecosystem, “ Entrepreneur Magazine, October 19, 2017 https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/302812 [2] “4 Unique Ways Women Entrepreneurs Are Helping Each Other Succeed,” Inc., Leonard Kim, Oct 16, 2015 https://www.inc.com/leonard-kim/women-entrepreneurs-are-shattering-stereotypes-left-and-right.html