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How to Stay Focused When the World Shows its Crazy

7 Steps to Managing The Lastest News

Stocks in free fall. Half the world in quarantine. New illness that we know little about. Oh, and global warming, politics, and your mother-in-law is moving in

How to stay focused when the world shows its crazy?

One step one day at a time. We call it Unlock the Power of Daily Success.

There is no doubt that if the current flurry of crazy has not had an impact on your business, it will. Some key points to remember

  1. Impact is not always a negative

  2. Everything is a phase

  3. Change is constant

  4. You are flexible

  5. We can’t go back, we will go forward to a better tomorrow

Having been involved with small businesses in one way or another my whole adult life, I have seen great peaks and big drops. I have ridden the roller coaster and sometimes I feel like I am not only strapped in but held with super-glue. I can’t get off even if I wanted to, it is in my DNA. So let's deal with it!

You can impact your business, one day, one decision at a time. Most of you will not directly be impacted by the coronavirus. We will all be impacted by the way this is handled locally, nationally, and internationally.

Your team, your community, your family, your clients are watching and they need you to be a role model of sanity

How do you manage a very real threat to your business?

All these suggestions are impacted on your industry, your turn-around-time on products, your sales cycle. And for everyone in business, they are the place to start

  1. Don’t panic. (almost wrote this in caps but I didn’t want to panic anyone.)

  2. Determine what the true and current impact on your business is

  3. Readdress the demand for your product / service for the next 60 days

  4. Utilize your line of credit, remember the one you were told to get when you did not need it, sparingly to take care of essentials only. Don't have one see Step #1

  5. Your key team members are essential

  6. Keep selling, adjust your message and your market where necessary

  7. Be the leader with a cool head, a plan, flexibility to that plan, and a firm hold on the direction of your business.

You can impact your business, one day, one decision at a time.

Most of you will not directly be impacted by the coronavirus. We will all be impacted by the way this is handled locally, nationally, and internationally. Stay aware AND TURN OFF THE NEWS.

Be kind, be smart, and remember a little yoga, meditation, and prayer for guidance is always a good thing.


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